
· 专业洗车机器,往复式洗车机器,洗车机器多少钱,洗车机器

      很多洗车店在选购洗车机时会感到困惑,也不知道选择那个品牌的洗车机好?接下来我们了解一下选择洗车机的挑选技巧。      Tip 1.Check the frame structure of the machine.In t...




      Tip 1.Check the frame structure of the machine.In the present car washer market,洗车机器,there are 2 popular models,one is Roll-over car washer,another is Tunnel car washer.They are all using 380V industrial electricity to supply service for us.This is a kind of large equipment,so safety is the most important  thing we should consider of.Whether a machine is safe,the key part is to check its frame,so you should examine its production process when you plan to buy a car washing machine.

     Tip 2.Watching the washing process.We know there are various models about  the car washer,the obsolete ones are also many.Semi-automatic car washer is also like this,in the beginning,people use it because it need less space and washing efficiency is a bit high.But more and more merchant care about the washing effect,semi-automatic and non-touch car washing machine can not reach the requirements on the washing effect now.

   Tip 3.See the car washing machine good feedback and sales volume,is the reputation of the machine.If you intend to buy a car washing machine online,洗车机器多少钱,you can check its good feedback and sales volume.A good machine will have good feedback not only from the internet,but also from the users,so you can examine in different areas.

国元洗车机 如果你吃过早餐去做乘坐公交车会发现,公交车站的洗车工就会拎着水桶拿着拖把努力地刷洗公交车身,这样的传统洗车方式,不下雨洗一辆车至少需要3分钟,下雨时至少要5分钟,而且公交车顶部因太高而无法清洗,污诟只能靠降雨来清除,速度慢,专业洗车机器,效率低,洗得非常累。现在这种统洗车方式即将告别,公交车洗车机的兴起,使得清洗一辆公交车只需1分钟左右时间,不仅降低了洗车工的劳动强度,“喷雾式”的供水装置也大大节约了用水。公交车洗车机“清洗”过程非常仔细,前后分三步进行--预喷淋冲洗,洗涤剂喷洒,清洗刷清洗。自动升降顶刷清洗公交车的顶部,两组气动开合式侧刷清洗车辆两侧及车尾。青岛国元环保设备有限公司生产的特种洗车设备,目前在国内多个城市的公交车车队服务,并得到客户满意的赞许。其大大节省了人力、物力,并且节约了大量的水资源,社会效益极高!
国元洗车机(图)|洗车机器多少钱|洗车机器由青岛国元环保设备有限公司提供。青岛国元环保设备有限公司(www.qdskx.com)为客户提供“洗车机,自动洗车机,洗车设备,自动洗车设备,工地洗车机,”等业务,公司拥有“国元,胜科翔,开元,”等品牌。专注于机械加工等行业,在山东 青岛 有较高知名度。欢迎来电垂询,联系人:雷经理。